Digital New World? The future is sustainable and just
What do we need to build a digital future which is worth it?

What do we need to build a digital future which is worth it? The Brazilian journalist and researcher Camila Nobrega and the psychologist Aymara Llangue Zonta from Bolivia have experienced digital injustice in their home countries more than anywhere. Together with three colleagues who are researching about global justice from different perspectives, they ask how digital systems and structures could be turned into systems which are both economically and ecologically sustainable, as well as globally just. Join them in ADA, Saturday 3to 4.30 pm.
Who owns the infrastructure? This question is one of the most important to ask in every setting – especially in the digital infrastructure. Renata Avila, CEO of “Open Knowledge Foundation”, speaks about the huge influence given to the global internet players, and how it could be broken (saturday 12 to 1.30pm, “ADA”).
At the other hand, digitization has the potential to empower citizen movements. Three researchers and authors speak about potentials to encourage them: “Enabling Democratic Discourse Beyond Privatized Digital Public Spheres”, 5 to 6 pm, ADA.
Digitization itself eats up vast amounts of resources. Most of them are producedin countries of the global south under worst conditions for workers and natural habitat. This could be changed, if we would turn the digital economy into a circular system under the principles of the “cradle to cradle”- movement. The B&B Panel “Squaring the Circle: On the Road towards a Digital Circular Economy” is about this subject, to be joined as well in Room ADA on sunday, 12 to 1.30 pm.
Where could all this lead to? One of the last panels, at Sunday 5 to 6.30 pm (ADA), you can sharesome visions about a post-capitalist digital future. Five campaigners, researchers and managers point questions and give answers about a “Post-Capitalism in the Information Age”.
Enjoy your learning and all the other visionaries you may meet!
Read also our Blog reports "Behind the Scenes" about "Self Organised Autonomous spaces", "We have to talk" on climate communication, an article on one of the big panels on Digital Colonialism "Global justice and digitization" and about the opening panel "No Avocado Politics, please" .